1 Introduction to the Concordion Plugin

The Concordion plugin provides a convenient integration between the Concordion framework ---an open source tool for writing automated acceptance tests in Java--- and Grails applications.

This guide documents the installation and usage of the plugin and provides the first steps to easily starting to write and run active specifications for your Grails applications using Concordion.

1.1 Features

This initial version of the plugin provides the following minimal set of features to integrate Concordion-based tests in a Grails application:

Custom test phase

The plugin adds a new custom concordion phase type to the already existing in Grails: unit, integration, functional and other.

A Grails phase type controls the state of the application at test time.

In this initial version, the concordion test phase is equivalent to the functional one, i.e. the application will be fully running for the Concordion tests.

Custom test type

The plugin also defines a new custom concordion test type that defines the group of tests to run and the test running mechanism.

The concordion test type selects those classes with the suffix Test or Tests under the test/concordion directory. As running mechanism this test type provides a custom JUnit4 runner resulting from a mixin between the GrailsTestCaseRunner shipped with Grails and the ConcordionRunner from the Concordion framework.

Mechanism to configure Concordion extensions

You can declare globally the Concordion extensions to be used trough the Grails application's BuildConfig.groovy. This mechanism is valid both, for your own extensions and for those provided by the concordion-extensions project.

In the case of concordion-extensions, the plugin provides a ConfigurableExtensionFactory which implements org.concordion.api.extension.ConcordionExtensionFactory, providing a factory mechanism that allow to configure those extensions that require customization through a simple DSL in the BuildConfig.groovy.

The initial version includes configurable implementations for the org.concordion.api.extension.LoggingTooltipExtension and org.concordion.api.extension.ScreenshotExtension extensions.

You can read about how to configure these extensions in the Configuration section of this guide.

Creation script

Once you have installed the plugin you will have the command create-concordion-test available in your project.

You can always write an specification from scratch or copy it from a previous one and modify it, but this command allows you easily create a new sample specification (and its companion fixture test) by running:

grails create-concordion-test <package.SpecificationName>

1.2 Authors

1.3 Release History